名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 土木工学専攻1

構造・材料工学講座 [構造解析学]

Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Optimal Design
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nagoya University

Minimization of structural response to excitation frequency 2Hz
Wind environment analysis of Tokyo bay area using supercomputer K
Stiffness analysis of car body using supercomputer K
Minimization of structural response to excitation frequency 20Hz
Structural response to excitation frequency 20Hz
Multi-material topology optimization with stress constraints for lightweight
Optimized porous structure with stress constraint
Robust topology optimization for uncertain distributed loading angle at the top surface
3D meta-material design with negative Poisson's ratio (v = -0.2)
Maximization of heat conductivity of polycrystalline structure with multi-scale & multi-phase field approach
3D printing process of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
Optimized lightweight lattice structures
Metal products, before (right) & after (left) topology optimization
Optimized bridge structure with 3D printing for future manufacturing
Optimized bridge structure with 3D printing for future manufacturing
